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Participez à une enquête sur les projets innovants menée par l'Unistra




Soyez solidaire en répondant à l'enquête de Maliheh Vaezalaei, doctorante en sciences économiques et de gestion. (l'enquête est en anglais).

Dear all,
My name is Maliheh Vaezalaei and I am a Ph.D. candidate in industrial engineering and management at the University of Strasbourg and IMT mines Albi - France, and Iam in the process of finalizing a part of my thesis.

My research investigates how firms (or institutions more broadly) select partners for when they need to do a collaborative project. I am developing a framework to understand the criteria for partner selection and which will eventually provide a tool to help decision-makers. The criteria on which these turns are the nature of the
knowledge creation inherent in the project, and several dimensions of project complexity.

To succeed I need good information from experts who are engaged in collaborative projects and who have been through the partner selection process. I am very much hoping that you can help me by filling out a short survey. It should take about 15 minutes of your time and would be extremely useful for my research.

You can find the survey at this link: Respond to the survey

I appreciate very much your attention and collaboration.
Thank you in advance,
Sincerely yours,

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