Karrieretag Familienunternehmen

33rd Karrieretag Familienunternehmen – Germany's leading recruiting and contact fair for family businesses | Apply now!
Meet the owners and top decision-makers of Germany's leading family businesses on November 8, 2024 at SMS Campus in Mönchengladbach. Talk about concrete job offers, deployment opportunities and individual career prospects. The places are limited. Application deadline is October 14, 2024.
Under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection preselected professionals and executives meet the owners and top decision-makers of leading family businesses from all over Germany. Well-known family companies such as ABUS, HARIBO and Vaillant Group look for young managers here, as well as “Hidden Champions” and world market leaders such as BREMER and Viega. The participating partner companies are specialists in their industries, many of them global leaders, with a focus on innovation and sustainability. Karrieretag Familienunternehmen is an ideal platform to launch a career in a company with a significant presence in global markets.
In a very personal setting, you can have a binding conversation with the company representatives to develop an individual career path. Opposite to anonymous public companies, family businesses typically have significantly flatter hierarchy structures, greater personal responsibility of employees and a clearly stronger corporate social responsibility.
Graduates, young professionals, and professionals of all disciplines are addressed, especially engineers, computer scientists and economists. Participant places are limited!

Apply online now:
33rd Karrieretag Familienunternehmen
November 8, 2024
SMS group GmbH, Mönchengladbach
Application deadline: October 14, 2024

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SMS group GmbH


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