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8th. Edition of the International Conference on: Information Systems and Economic Intelligence


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8th. Edition of the International Conference on:

Information Systems and Economic Intelligence

November 21th. – 23th. , 2019 in Tunis (Tunisia)

Thematic Conferences & Tutoriels


Important Dates:

Papers due (1st. deadline): SEP. 15th, 2019 

Notification of acceptance (1st. date): SEP. 30th, 2019 

Final paper & Camera-ready due: OCT. 7th, 2019 

Registration for authors (1st. deadline): OCT. 15th, 2019 

Int. Conference SIIE’2019 days: NOVEMBER 21-22-23th, 2019 

Best Paper Awards’2019: NOVEMBER 23th, 2019 

Description :

The SIIE conference aims to promote dialogue between experts and researchers from both the public and private sectors, on fundamental and experimental knowledge of Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE). This is to upgrade in a risk environment the technologies related to economic intelligence (IE). The dynamics of EI (ie. Competitive Intelligence) depend on mastering the knowledge and skills needed to design the best strategies and to ensure that decision-makers make the right decisions.


SIIE will hold its eighth (8th.) edition in Tunis in November 2019, after the seven successful editions. This edition is organized by the University of Tunis and supported by the universities of the Maghreb countries, Europe and the sponsorship of the International Societies as: IEEE Tunisia section (in progress) and ISKO-Maghreb Chapter (confirmed).


The last editions and its proceedings since 2008, have allowed academic researchers and economic actors to come up with finalized projects. The goal of SIIE is to continue in this way by creating opportunities, innovative ideas and means to strengthen projects, and to build bridges between universities and industries on both shores of the Mediterranean.


SIIE’2019 will offer lectures, tutorials, authors’ presentations and industrial panels that will be led by experts to identify new approaches and knowledge in economic intelligence, as well as applied research and feedback.

In a friendly and pleasant environment, as Tunisia knows how to do so, the SIIE conference promotes the creation of networks of trust between academics, industry and politicians, thus contributing to strengthening the alliances of the scientific community SIIE. The recommendations and opinions of the experts will help this community to find solutions to its many questions and problems.


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