photo de profil d'un membre

Audrey WINUM

Gestion de projet, communication, interculturel


Intercultural issues is my passion, my work experience can testify this : I worked for Ellucian, an American company, as Project Administrator which gave me the opportunity to support the international management staff within the framework of a challenging IT project . My tasks were: project management, SharePoint management, internal communications to foster team spirit. I also worked as Project Manager for the national Alfred Kastler Foundation/Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, specialising in the welcoming of high potentials. My main task consisted of 'nursing' i.e. fostering a high quality welcome for researchers coming to France (Network of ‘EURAXESS Services Centres’, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission) and deal with the human resources aspects.
My core missions were namely: getting rid of administrative formalities, at European, national and local level; developing a specific communication linked to an European network of researchers (dedicated communication tools); managing administrative aspects of a European contract to prove the efficiency of our strategy and execute the contract (annual report to the stakeholders, report to the European Commission, deliverables, financial and statistical exercise, etc.) in order to foster the Human Resources aspect of the European network and attract the best talent in Europe. I was also expert in working groups at the EC on communications and quality.
Indeed, the main goal of these tasks was to ensure the attractiveness of the country, so that foreign researchers replace French researchers, who tend to move abroad (the ‘brain drain phenomenon’).
I am also a teacher/consultant at Iseg Marketing&Communication School, sharing my experience and knowledge on the following topics : International Communication Strategy, International Marketing Strategy, evaluation of communication activities, new behaviour of consumers. I am a jury member and an expert on professional projects led by students.

Expérience professionnelle

Project officer

eu-LISA , Strasbourg - CDI

De Mars 2017 à Aujourd'hui

eu-LISA to the European Commission, 200 agents, Strasbourg.
Au sein du Projet SIS II AFIS, échange d’informations pour garantir la sécurité de l’espace Schengen : support du management, coordination PMO, qualité, gestion des formations destinées au personnel et aux états membres, courroie de transmission entre le Consortium, eu-LISA et les états membres, communication dans un environnement interculturel.

Formation complémentaire

Gestion de projet

CCI Strasbourg et du Bas-Rhin - Management et gestion de projet

2015 à 2015

Parcours officiels

DESS RELATIONS INTERNAT. – DESS – Faculté des langues – 2000
MAITRISE L.E.A. – Maîtrise – Faculté des langues – 1997
Licence de Langues Etrangères Appliquées Mention Traduction Spécialisée – Licence (avant LMD) – Faculté des langues – 1996


Allemand - Intérmediaire

Anglais - Courant


Gestion de projet
Stratégie de communication
Direction de projets
Esprit d'analyse
Capacités de négociation
Business Development
Réseaux d'excellence
Intelligence émotionnelle
Chief happy officer

Centres d'intérêt

  • Zumba
  • bodybalance
  • cuisine
  • nature.